“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” ~ralph waldo emerson Ever wonder how to tweak your life to make it even better than it already is? No need to struggle – just allow “better” to happen.There are those bumper stickers that say ‘SHIT HAPPENS’? What […]
living consciously
Deep Inside the Darkness is Light
“As long as you do not know what you are experiencing inside, you are asleep in your life, even though you may think you are very awake.” ~gary zukav Protection has got me thinking and feeling small. Rejection is fresh and overt as I begin to date again. It is harder than I thought it […]
APRIL’S FOOL – and Every Other Month for that Matter!
“The words you speak become the house you live in.” ~Hafiz It happened again. I felt really small again and all my accomplishments-to-date were negated by my judgemental mind. I cannot tell you how it started. All I know is one minute I was having a great day then I felt it melt away. It […]
Renewed Willingness
“Freedom is available at anytime to anyone – and so is captivity.” ~martha beck Renewing my heart’s willingness to Love is my next task at hand. Here are some of my limiting beliefs… How do I fathom such a thing? Where does one heart end and another leave off? What kind of trial must I go through before […]
Becoming Wide and Open
“Your beliefs become your thoughts Your thoughts become your wordsYour words become your actionsYour actions become your habitsYour habits become your characterYour character becomes your destiny” ~mohandas ghandi There is an energy that is spoiling my peace. It crackles and shifts the silence within me. And deep down and all through everything I know – I know this […]
Peace From Wanting
“Normally, the test of greatness in the arts is the ability to state deep feelings and perceptions simply, clearly, and well. Indeed, it may well be said that until a person can express a thought clearly and simply, he hasn’t yet fully understood it himself.” ~ Swami Kriyananda, from the book ‘Art as a Hidden […]
Don’t Postpone Joy
Today I am here… “Picture in your inner eye, your inner sight, four avocado seeds on the window sill. Three are suspended in a glass of water and have sprouted. One is still dry and papery and brown. Each of the sprouting seeds has its own character. One has two long roots, like two rubbery […]
Don’t Be Alarmed
Don’t be alarmed. A poem written at a time of strong feeling is a good thing…for me. It expresses itself so I can get on with the day. This to shall pass. Desolation Parched, cracked and dry. Formidable aching crunches me into tiny pieces like sand. Alone, without, encumbered, unfrequented and grief stricken. Near the rim […]
The Bigger Picture May Be Hard to Swallow
“It’s like Mahatma Gandhi gets put in jail and they give him a lice-infested uniform and tell him to clean the latrines, and it’s a whole mess. And he walks up to the head of the guards and he says, in total truth, “Thank you.” He’s not putting them on or up-leveling them. He’s saying, […]
Love & Power
I will give you my love, but I will not give you my power. I never made that distinction before! They are not the same and cleaving them like this feels true and right. For a brief moment I thought I had to get permission to love. But then I came to understand there is […]
A meditation on Beauty
Look at the beauty all around you. Or just look at one thing that is beautiful to you. Really take note of each bit and piece of the thing that is beauty to you. Now – close your eyes and recreate the thing – see the shape and the texture and the variations of color […]
A Call to the Universe
So I am having fun and they all say, “Just follow your passions and life will find you!” But I still have that longing, that requirement to be intimately engaged with one other person. To be joyfully entwined with them and all their interesting foibles and have them lovingly entwined with me and all my […]