Look at the beauty all around you. Or just look at one thing that is beautiful to you. Really take note of each bit and piece of the thing that is beauty to you.
Now – close your eyes and recreate the thing – see the shape and the texture and the variations of color and hue. Breathe softly in and out as you carefully review all the bits and pieces. Take your time. Don’t miss a thing.
And finally – feel the beauty. Become it if you are able. Breathe softly and notice the sensations of beauty as they arise within you. Allow yourself the option to invent and then have these sensations. Feel it. Notice yourself feeling it. Then feel it again. Let go and float inside the beauty.
These sensations are just as real as the thing you admired as beautiful. Only now they are part of you. You ARE the beauty.
Just a thought. Give it a try!
Tag You’re It!
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