Renewing my heart’s willingness to Love is my next task at hand. Here are some of my limiting beliefs…
How do I fathom such a thing?
Where does one heart end and another leave off?
What kind of trial must I go through before allowing myself to love again?
When will I know it is OK?
Why am I making this so hard?
Today’s Super-Equinox-Eclipse-Moon may be exactly the moment I have been looking for…or just another March 20th? It is said to be a profound time for new beginnings. Some claim the energy today is favorable for letting go of what no longer serves us and embarking on new and exciting journeys.
And all I have to do is decide!
What limiting beliefs are you operating from?
Tag You’re It!
Renewed Willingness
“Freedom is available at anytime to anyone – and so is captivity.”
~martha beck
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