The day is bright with possibilities after stretching and strengthening my back and my spirit. The instructor asked us to set our intention for the day. Was a beautiful yoga class @YogaGarden this am. My intention came to me quickly – “I allow Grace, Love & Abundance into my life.” Seems like a no brainer. Of […]
allowing pleasure
What does it feel like to receive unconditional love? Tag You’re It!
The Rush of Simple Pleasure
I felt there again. It was so sweet, that connection to one’s I love. We had dinner, my dear friends and I. We discussed all sorts of real and true things about our daily lives, but nothing heavy, nothing too deep. Just regular sharing and regular joy. Their, now 2, baby’s care came first as […]
A few synonyms for permission are: authorization, consent, leave, authority, sanction, license, dispensation, assent, acquiescence, agreement, seal/stamp of approval, blessing, clearance, allowance & empowerment. Who gives us permission? I have come to realize I have the power to give myself permission. Permission to love. Permission to heal. Permission to feel ALL the feelings that arise, not just […]
Love & Power
I will give you my love, but I will not give you my power. I never made that distinction before! They are not the same and cleaving them like this feels true and right. For a brief moment I thought I had to get permission to love. But then I came to understand there is […]
A meditation on Beauty
Look at the beauty all around you. Or just look at one thing that is beautiful to you. Really take note of each bit and piece of the thing that is beauty to you. Now – close your eyes and recreate the thing – see the shape and the texture and the variations of color […]
Transported by Joy
The sun is shining and the cool winds of a burgeoning spring are blowing thru my hair. I am driving home after a great day of doing what I love. I am joy. Time is stopped as a wonderful feeling surges from within. Then I see the break lights. But there is no thing that can come between me […]
Good Words Found
Love is a sacrament. Beauty is a sacrament. Peace is a sacrament. Creativity is a sacrament. These things course through us just as surely as our blood. These are our sacred bonds with the divine and with each other: they are sacraments administered by the divine through the human. By manifesting these divine energies, we […]
2013 Grief Olympics
Here is a recount made last year to a friend about things as they were unfolding for me then. Remembering where I was gives me clarity on how far I have come! “I made it past 3 of the 4 challenging events – Mike’s B-Day, my B-Day and the fact that my B-Day was such a milestone […]
I Love You Universe!
I am having a real tough realization today. It is rather embarrassing and I feel really raw but the TRUTH does that to us – doesn’t it?! Found out last nite that ‘my crush’ has happily found a sweetheart of his own. He has never responded to me in any way other than as a […]
What is Reasonable?
“Unknowing, if one can be open and vulnerable, will take us down to the very deeps of knowing, not informing the mind but coursing through the whole body, artery and vein–provided one can thrust aside what the world calls common sense, that popular lumpen wisdom that prevents the emerging of the numinous.” ~ Pamela Travers […]
A Walk in the Park
“I am great sun but you do not see me. I am your husband but you turn away. I am the captive but you do not free me. I am the captain but you do not obey. I am the truth but you do not believe me. I am that city where you will not […]