“As long as you do not know what you are experiencing inside, you are asleep in your life, even though you may think you are very awake.” ~gary zukav Protection has got me thinking and feeling small. Rejection is fresh and overt as I begin to date again. It is harder than I thought it […]
death of spouse
Clarity: A Master Class
“What you are, and who you are should provide greater clarity about where you have been and where you are headed. Although one distinguishes spiritual from physical nature, the ultimate unification of the two is the consequence of the struggle for internal, external and eternal – peace.” ~t.f. hodge Clarity really messes up everything I […]
Perfectly Imperfect!!
Yes – it feels good to see how life is unfolding warts and all; to generate appreciation for a stubbed toe or a missed class. There are six pots in my second story window box and one is not getting water due to an out-of-joint drip line. So a little dry brown sprig of dead Asparagus […]
Follow the Sun
Making your new best life fit in with whatever is happening right now can be a very organic motion. It is as natural as a flower reaching it’s head toward the morning sun – and then following the sun throughout the day until dusk.Your conscious intention is the sunlight to which you will naturally turn […]
The Hard Work of Feeling
“…establish that role to be a listener to the mystery…” ~ ram dass I have been caught again by my own tear ducts. They have felt the need to do what they do and I have to decide if I want to let them do it. Not fully appreciating that in letting them have their […]
Homecoming & My Practice
I just got back from a delightful trip to Baltimore. And after four straight days of loving, embracing and renewing connections with family and friends I dearly cherish and being equally embraced and loved by them – I am having a tough time being at home again. A vast difference has been shown to me and it […]
Square 1
I am hoping this day finds you well and well loved in your lovely abode. I wrote this about one year ago. Seems appropriate to revisit it for I am feeling like I am here again – at square 1 – today. February 10, 2013 I am approaching the beginning of week 3 of experiment Lani. […]
“By extending our ordinary feelings of love and concern beyond their usual biased limits, love is freed from the restrictions of attachment.” ~ HHDL Finding attachment to be the source of many of my tears, I am intrigued by this quote. Grieving loss or Fear of losing something to which I am attached appears suddenly […]
Fabricating a Life
When I was sick, before Michael died, he would make me a cup of tea if I asked him to. Not anymore. And when I was sick and he came to bed, if he saw I had scarfed one of his pillows he would say plainly, “Come on – give it up.” And he would […]