This new website gathers all of the disparate pieces of my digital footprint and places them under the neat and simple umbrella of If you were to take a tour of my site here is what you would find… my artistic viewpoint, a complete catalog of my watercolor painitngs to date (always adding more!) […]
“Many life experiences have a musical form, like endings that are not final or themes that return with variation.” ~thomas moore, author of SEAT OF THE SOUL My my how time flies…and seems to stand still at the same time. David Byrne said it like this, “Same as it ever was.” And so it is, […]
A Good Foundation
I learned today that we are to begin digging the footings for the addition to my new home tomorrow! How interesting that just this morning I also made an important “foundational” decision regarding my life! I adore when the metaphysical stuff is so quickly mirrored in the physical world this way! It feels amazing to […]
Love & Bounderies
Awoke this morning with two ideas in the front of my heart: Limitless Love and Boundaries. Separately, these ideas are reasonable easily understood. Hopefully we all get that Love can have an expansve quality and that Boundaries are an outer edge or cut off point which holds things in or keeps things out. OK – […]
How to Glide
When we dance it will be a miracle of untold proportions. Not sure if it is like this for everyone, but for me it is a paradoxical and quixotic mix – the more I learn to stand on my own, the closer I get to holding the key of true love and partnership. This, my […]
I have begun to renovate. To plan how my kitchen will look I have to imagine how it will feel to have the cooktop in front with my sink to my back. How does this feel? Am I OK with that? I am imagining what it looks like and asking myself questions. I am really just building […]
Grace and Gravity
“Find the thought which is your great oppressor; find the King-Pin. In the logging camps in the Spring, the logs are sent down the rivers in great numbers. Sometimes the logs become crossed and cause a jam; the men look for the log causing the jam (they call it the King-Pin), straighten it, and the logs […]
“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.” ~dalai lama Here is another compelling voice, that of Jim Lockard. His is some mighty robust thinking. In this piece he manages to take an old idea, Compassion, and make it brand-spanking-new again! CAN COMPASSION LEAD US TO “A WORLD THAT WORKS FOR EVERYONE”?
Firewalking 101
What becomes of a Firewalker one week later? Yes, you heard me right, “I have walked on fire.” It was a New Years Day thing to do. It was a lovely drive in the mountains and an exciting adventure to have with my sister. It was cold and convival and strange and OK. But what […]
…best friends!
“Everyone has a guide into the cosmos (animus) and one into the heart (anima). Don’t do it all yourself. Let the guides sing.” ~thomas moore Hey Spatchcocked Chicken, Sorry I could not help you get hooked up with a realtor. So what about your sister? With all of her clients, is not one of them […]
Yes, I thought if I got my vibrations up and made sure to keep intouch with the non-visible parts of my being I would feel better. No such luck! Just not true. This life we live gives us all sorts of experiences. And to live this life is to feel all it’s emotions.
Salvage work. Picking through the wreckage to save the good bits. I have been doing salvage work for the past 36 months. Now I look around to see the world infront of me because I know what is infront of me is what I am feasting on. In the rawest part of my wrecked like […]