When we dance it will be a miracle of untold proportions. Not sure if it is like this for everyone, but for me it is a paradoxical and quixotic mix – the more I learn to stand on my own, the closer I get to holding the key of true love and partnership.
This, my Truth, reminds me of what J.K. Rowling wrote at the end of “Harry Potter and the Sorcer’s Stone”
“How did I get the stone out of the mirror?” Harry Potter asks Dumbledore.
“Ah I am glad you asked that.” He replies. “It is one of my more brilliant ideas. Only one who wanted to find the stone – find it but not use it – would be able to get it, otherwise they’d just see themselves making gold or drinking Elixir of Life. My brain surprises even me sometimes…”
My brain surprises me a lot too. But it is NOT my brain at work here. This latest Truth of mine was not figured out. It came to me in a burst of knowing. And this burst of know came from my commitment to practice silence as best I can.
These regular series of quiet mind moments bare fruits of inner peace which have strengthened me. The work I am speaking about is not done in the linear way to which I am accustomed. This work is subterranean, of no immediate consequesnce, and yet shows up in true, real, and satisfying ways. Mostly this work shows up as effortless understanding.
And the more I continue to explore this place of inner peace, the more frequently I am showered by these little and big gifts of understanding. And from these gifts comes an ever smoother and more brightly lit path upon which I am easily gliding.
For this I am grateful.
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