I learned today that we are to begin digging the footings for the addition to my new home tomorrow! How interesting that just this morning I also made an important “foundational” decision regarding my life! I adore when the metaphysical stuff is so quickly mirrored in the physical world this way! It feels amazing to be in sync again. O say again, because I have spent the lst month or so swimming in confusion and just not knowing what is best. Deceicions have been labored over and bits and peoces of my life have been unfolding yes, but in a staccato fashion. I have been moving foreard them taking a step back loke life is playong Hokey Pokey with me, and I do not recall agreeing tonolay! O thinknthis is thr rub, I have not neen goong enough with the flow. My emotions, my expextations ans my desites have been reaking havoc in most every areana of my lofe.
Well now it seems we are back in alignment!
Tha ks you God!
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