This new website gathers all of the disparate pieces of my digital footprint and places them under the neat and simple umbrella of If you were to take a tour of my site here is what you would find…
- my artistic viewpoint,
- a complete catalog of my watercolor painitngs to date (always adding more!)
- this new blog focused on all things art with a few observations about life,
- a short biographical description, and
- an older blog which chronicles my healing journey which in many ways it has completed itself.
…thus my new website represents both a happy ending & a new beginning.

The title of this work is “The Barn’s Burnt Down…” from a familiar poem by Mizutra Masahide.
“Barn’s burnt down —
I can see the Moon.”
It feels right to share this painting here on the new dawning of this next chapter of my life. I did not arrive here alone. Many people carried me to this place. Each one of you held open your hands and heart to me over these last six years. Each of you in your own special way has brought me to this new well grounded place from which I feel I am now able to soar.
Deep roots and tall dreams are the order of this day. I am giving and receiving as best I can in hopes of always arriving at a place where I can serve another, I can experience unbounded Joy, and I can always, always see the moon.
Thank you for reading this my first new blog.
I want to thank Chris Liu-Beers of Tomatillo Design for creating my new website!

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