Loving someone is neither ‘a trap’ nor ‘the answer.’ It is a connection to Love. This truth allows for expansion of giving & receiving. Knowing this truth is a gift of great freedom and joy! Struggling to stay content with all the great and wonderful aspects of the life I am living I am arrived […]
unconditional trust
Full Engagement
Peacocks of Chatham County, 21″ x 27″ Watercolor There is a way to manufacture a life so it sits up straight and eats it’s vegetables, but I want more. There is a way to place yourself on a positive path by counting your blessings and recognizing the good things that are right in front of your nose, […]
non-judgmental awareness
“The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.” ~thich nhat hahn Ahhhhhh – to be in non-judgmental awareness is a lovely vacation of sorts. It is a getaway from the push and pull of things. When I am here all that crosses my “virtual desk of life” […]
Joyful Creativity
Maui – Polynesian Trickster God Excerpts from IT’S BETTER TO BE A TRICKSTER THAN A MARTYR by Elizabeth Gilbert “There is another way to be creative that does not make a fetish out of suffering. There is an older way, a richer way, a more generative way — the way human beings had been […]
Summer Time Well Being
A long, long time ago in a far off land my best friend was a boy named Michael who lived up the street. We were both around 6 or 7 years old and we loved playing together. I recall sitting in the ivy under the big oak tree with big pillows stuffed under our broadly […]
The Joy of Obstinance
No! I don’t want to! No! I will not! These are the things I say to myself when I am feeling completely obstinate. It is a feeling of standing still and strongly opposing that which is said to be important or otherwise necessary. Well I do not care what they say, I am not going […]
Rinse and Repeat
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift…” ~ Albert Einstein Knowing this I ask again — what does it feel like to receive unconditional love? Now without labeling, without using words or employing images – or memory even – can […]
What does it feel like to receive unconditional love? Tag You’re It!
The Bigger Picture May Be Hard to Swallow
“It’s like Mahatma Gandhi gets put in jail and they give him a lice-infested uniform and tell him to clean the latrines, and it’s a whole mess. And he walks up to the head of the guards and he says, in total truth, “Thank you.” He’s not putting them on or up-leveling them. He’s saying, […]
Going Deep
Everything starts with awareness. You can choose to be aware in any moment. Every moment is a new beginning. There are a myriad of moments and new beginnings in every day. This is one recipe for unlimited possibilities. On your mark. Get set. GO! What is your first reaction to these ideas? Tag You’re It!
Love & Power
I will give you my love, but I will not give you my power. I never made that distinction before! They are not the same and cleaving them like this feels true and right. For a brief moment I thought I had to get permission to love. But then I came to understand there is […]
Homecoming & My Practice
I just got back from a delightful trip to Baltimore. And after four straight days of loving, embracing and renewing connections with family and friends I dearly cherish and being equally embraced and loved by them – I am having a tough time being at home again. A vast difference has been shown to me and it […]