“What you seek is seeking you.” ~rumi When I became aware of Leonard Mlodinow’s book The Fragility of Grand Discoveries, which makes the case for randomness’ role in science, it started me thinking. Books will do that! I wondered about making use of randomness in this teeny-tiny-little experiment called my life and what discoveries might […]
nourish yourself
APRIL’S FOOL – and Every Other Month for that Matter!
“The words you speak become the house you live in.” ~Hafiz It happened again. I felt really small again and all my accomplishments-to-date were negated by my judgemental mind. I cannot tell you how it started. All I know is one minute I was having a great day then I felt it melt away. It […]
Becoming Wide and Open
“Your beliefs become your thoughts Your thoughts become your wordsYour words become your actionsYour actions become your habitsYour habits become your characterYour character becomes your destiny” ~mohandas ghandi There is an energy that is spoiling my peace. It crackles and shifts the silence within me. And deep down and all through everything I know – I know this […]
A Teaching Creme Brûlée
“I tired of the routine of eight years in one afternoon.”― Charlotte Brontë I am no innocent bystander. Everything I do, say, think and believe affects my life. I had a teaching creme brûlée last nite. I knew it was OK to order it, but I did not pay enough attention to the description on the menu. […]
Don’t Postpone Joy
Today I am here… “Picture in your inner eye, your inner sight, four avocado seeds on the window sill. Three are suspended in a glass of water and have sprouted. One is still dry and papery and brown. Each of the sprouting seeds has its own character. One has two long roots, like two rubbery […]
Advocating for Meditation
“Through the sacred art of pausing, we develop the capacity to stop hiding, to stop running away from our experience. We begin to trust in our natural intelligence, in our naturally wise heart, in our capacity to open to whatever arises. Like awakening from a dream, in the moment of pausing our trance recedes and […]
An Open Invitation
Crazy good explanation…I am so grateful for it’s joyful clarity! http://omeleto.com/199433/
Good Purposeless-ness…from Other Voices
“like the lovely, free-form edge of a bird’s wings, we cultivate our essence, an alchemy of soul…..this, simply by being present and alive…..yes, fully alive……” ~ in the blue Our Strength Found in Fragile Depths “I am especially struck with the idea of the purposeless life, filling the well with snow. I suppose all life […]
“The birds are molting. If only man could molt also – his mind once a year its errors, his heart once a year its useless passions.” ~ james allen This is WCHG radio sweeping you forward to a brighter day! Give a listen. Click on the names below – unless you don’t want to feel empowered? Change […]
A Healing Effect
“For things to reveal themselves to us, we need to be ready to abandon our views about them.” ~ thich nhat hahn Describing a feeling is never easy unless I have an acute sense of it’s components. I have been living under an umbrella of grief for 23 months now so I can describe that […]
Perfectly Imperfect!!
Yes – it feels good to see how life is unfolding warts and all; to generate appreciation for a stubbed toe or a missed class. There are six pots in my second story window box and one is not getting water due to an out-of-joint drip line. So a little dry brown sprig of dead Asparagus […]
In the Stream
Today I am noticing my open heart is a garden where everything placed in it grows. And everything that comes from it nourishes. And when I relax into the flow of life, life provides all that I need easily and comfortably. LIFE is on my side! What better motivation can there be to arrange things in your […]