“Through the sacred art of pausing, we develop the capacity to stop hiding, to stop running away from our experience. We begin to trust in our natural intelligence, in our naturally wise heart, in our capacity to open to whatever arises. Like awakening from a dream, in the moment of pausing our trance recedes and Radical Acceptance becomes possible.” ~tara branch
Everybody has their own unique natural state, their own baseline from which all their experiences begin. Some say we can move up the vibration of this – our unique natural state – to enhance our experience of life; to increase the amounts of JOY and LOVE we are able to know.
If you knew this to be the truth, why would you not set about immediately to begin doing it?
“The realization of eternal truth comes at the expense of all of our illusions.” ~adyashanti
Aha! Well I have had nothing to lose recently so my way of raising my vibration is through meditation. If I mindfully begin by setting my intention to make more abundant JOY and LOVE in my life and then practice quietly sitting still – in a way that makes sense for me – I have found I do generate just that. Not by direct effort, i.e. analytical planning out a strategy with steps and goals, but by simple use of my breath and my mind and my body in a standard practiced way.
I use these same capacities, my breath, mind and body, in every other of life’s routine situations. When I am brushing my teeth or washing my face or cooking a meal I use them to stay healthy, to shed cells, to grow and transform. So why not use my breath, mind and body (over time) to amp up my perception?
Like clothes that are worn in bright sunlight and washed and then hung on the line over and over again – Meditation has helped me to indirectly become slowly bleached of hardship and sorrow. My natural daily responses are fading away from material concerns and focusing more toward a wholistic embodiment of loving energy. I do not know where this will lead but this is the direction in which I am going!
Oh I still go grocery shopping, make plans, art and money. But gradually I am coming to see with these newer more joyful and loving eyes. And I see that all is well. Really…I swear! And all this “all is well” jazz started by just sitting quietly and not trying at all. This is a feat in itself – I know.
And so unlike the way we have been taught to strive for JOY and LOVE. So alien and perverse and cliche! But it works for me. This is my chosen path. And I am still living the same life I have always lived – just better by every measure.
What does your path look like?
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