Yes – it feels good to see how life is unfolding warts and all; to generate appreciation for a stubbed toe or a missed class. There are six pots in my second story window box and one is not getting water due to an out-of-joint drip line. So a little dry brown sprig of dead Asparagus […]
Follow the Sun
Making your new best life fit in with whatever is happening right now can be a very organic motion. It is as natural as a flower reaching it’s head toward the morning sun – and then following the sun throughout the day until dusk.Your conscious intention is the sunlight to which you will naturally turn […]
Good Words Found
Love is a sacrament. Beauty is a sacrament. Peace is a sacrament. Creativity is a sacrament. These things course through us just as surely as our blood. These are our sacred bonds with the divine and with each other: they are sacraments administered by the divine through the human. By manifesting these divine energies, we […]
2013 Grief Olympics
Here is a recount made last year to a friend about things as they were unfolding for me then. Remembering where I was gives me clarity on how far I have come! “I made it past 3 of the 4 challenging events – Mike’s B-Day, my B-Day and the fact that my B-Day was such a milestone […]
I Love You Universe!
I am having a real tough realization today. It is rather embarrassing and I feel really raw but the TRUTH does that to us – doesn’t it?! Found out last nite that ‘my crush’ has happily found a sweetheart of his own. He has never responded to me in any way other than as a […]
What is Reasonable?
“Unknowing, if one can be open and vulnerable, will take us down to the very deeps of knowing, not informing the mind but coursing through the whole body, artery and vein–provided one can thrust aside what the world calls common sense, that popular lumpen wisdom that prevents the emerging of the numinous.” ~ Pamela Travers […]
Beginning Anew…Again
“The mind creates the abyss, the heart crosses it.” ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj “A time comes in your life when you finally get it…when, in the midst of all your fears and insanity, you stop dead in your tracks and somewhere the voice inside your head cries out…enough! Enough fighting and crying and blaming and […]
Thinking About Contemplation
I am struck by the difference in the participants when one contemplates verses when one meditates. It seems to me meditation requires joyous wide and vast emptiness and contemplation joyously lets in all comers. Both allow for emergence of higher understanding. Both require an acknowledgement of an inner life and willingness to see. I am […]
Square 1
I am hoping this day finds you well and well loved in your lovely abode. I wrote this about one year ago. Seems appropriate to revisit it for I am feeling like I am here again – at square 1 – today. February 10, 2013 I am approaching the beginning of week 3 of experiment Lani. […]
Clarity 2.0
Clarity is a fleeting pain in the ass. The prevailing winds change, clarity gently brushes against your cheek, then drifts on. So you better be ready for it or it may just pass you by like it never happened. What do I believe? Getting clear here will help me move to the next level in […]
Proximity Always Wins!
Our attention naturally goes to what is nearest. I see, smell and touch the matter at hand. My vision is acclimatized by my experiences so I essentially choose what I see. But the Imperceptibles, those higher vibrational energies like emotion and the eternal qualities of Love, Grace, Joy, Harmony, Illumination, Creativity… you get the picture… […]