Look – I will not sugar coat it for you, if you will not sugar coat it for me. This is Authenticity. “Authentic carries a connotation of authoritative certification that an object is what it is claimed to be.” From dictionary.com I can mostly be counted on to be authentic, except when I am unsure of […]
Like never before
Even though I am just a confused as ever, I am ready now to find right work. And I choose a project with soul in mind…one that directly conjures higher expansion.I came across a term recently that grabbed my attention – “The bardos.” Bardo is a Tibetan word which literally means “in-between.” and connotes the wisdom of […]
A more open heart
The mind putters about, while the heart knows. The mind juggles while the heart contains. I am placing my heart upfront to filter all that comes my way today. I awoke heavily affected. What is happening here? I want that free flow and connected feeling please, not this curio shop filled with matter and transactions […]
Love, onesize fits all…BIG!
When I was younger, before I found Love, I only knew the empty space where Love was not. I walked around throwing everything at the empty space. Some things made it in, some did not. I came close a few times, a few boys, a few men, even a career temporarily filled me up. But […]
Far-Fetched Ideas
“That is a REALLY far-fetched idea,” she was told by someone somewhere once upon a time. But who cares. It is a place to start. If we hold back in our imaginary places we are lost… without hope or at least moving forward only within our existing paradigms. Paradigm: Origin: 1475–85; Late Latin paradīgma […]
Fabricating a Life
When I was sick, before Michael died, he would make me a cup of tea if I asked him to. Not anymore. And when I was sick and he came to bed, if he saw I had scarfed one of his pillows he would say plainly, “Come on – give it up.” And he would […]
In the stillness I remain…for now
In the stillness I remain until my song is ready to be sung. That is what ‘Course in Miracles lady’ said when I inquired about the nature of Grief. She spoke freely about the nature of Anger during her brief workshop. But she said not a word about Grief until I approached her afterward. She […]
“So what do you do?”
Contemplating how to answer the question, “So what do you do?”I can say any number of things. “I am an artist. I am on sabbatical. I am on an artistic pleasure cruise. I am healing from a great loss. I am recovering after my husband’s death.” The Truth is “I spend my time lifting the veil […]