“That is a REALLY far-fetched idea,” she was told by someone somewhere once upon a time. But who cares. It is a place to start. If we hold back in our imaginary places we are lost… without hope or at least moving forward only within our existing paradigms.
Paradigm: Origin: 1475–85; Late Latin paradīgma < Greek parádeigma> pattern
And while your existing patterns may be fine, if we are living consciously, we can examine these patterns. We can begin to pick and choose that which we enjoy and begin to discard the routines that no longer serve our evolving selves.
Why not? I am sorry, have we something to lose here? Yes we do. Our crutches, our sleep walking ways, our corral which fences us in keeping us in the comfortable familiar place looking always toward the ground and not the sky.
I will begin today by reminding myself of the good things I have collected in my life. We are a collection of what we love, are we not? Here are the things I love…
The Beach,
The dog,
The children of friends,
The friends,
The warm bed,
The out reached hand,
The clever word play,
The well painted eye of a rooster,
The deep and far reaching conversation,
The love of a good man,
The satisfied rolling over after a magnificent union,
The morning light shining through neon tangerine and orange leaves,
The walk to exercise my body and relieve my mind,
The far flung pass to the almost out of bounds receiver,
The crunch of a crisp green salad with a vibrant homemade green goddess dressing,
The completion of a task long avoided,
The sun – in any position in the sky,
The low slung large harvest moon,
The songs that make my eyes tear up or my body want to dance and
The tears and the pee caused by uncontrollable laughter shared with anyone else who wants to play along.
This collection of lovely fragments and wisps remind me of who I am. Perhaps these Truths are the first step to revealing my deepest desires? Finger’s crossed.
Today I will follow those feelings that tell me what I love and what I can do without from now on!
What is on your list?
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