The mind putters about, while the heart knows. The mind juggles while the heart contains. I am placing my heart upfront to filter all that comes my way today.
I awoke heavily affected. What is happening here? I want that free flow and connected feeling please, not this curio shop filled with matter and transactions entangled with feelings and dreams. All these concerns were popped up in front of my eyes and my mind holding me captive before I even start my day! This will not do.
Settling into a focused and mindful state, I made my choice. I decided to let go of all the questions, the problems, the mind’s rat’s nests and flowers. This choice was all it took and my awareness of all that the mind projected upon my life dropped away. My decision immediately emptied the carousel of the projector leaving just a bright white light. The muck of my existence was gone. Instantly I felt within my heart again. Recognizing being inside pulled me in even further. It made me want to stay seated in my more open heart.
For some reason meditating with a “more” open heart seemed better than mediating with just a plain ‘ol open heart. I am sure it is because the “more” open heart presupposed an already open heart which made widening it’s opening an even simpler affair.
I stayed in this place as long as I could then shifted back to the morning and it’s requirements. But I am taking this place with me. And when adversity, large or small, jumps in my path I will recall this lesson. Stop. Breathe. And be in gratitude for the opportunity to learn and grow.
Being stopped in my tracks like this is very familiar to me. I have been here before. I know I don’t like it and now I know a better way. I got a “Get out of Jail Free” card. We all do. But the card is no good unless we use it!
What is in your way today?
Tag You’re It!
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