Maui – Polynesian Trickster God Excerpts from IT’S BETTER TO BE A TRICKSTER THAN A MARTYR by Elizabeth Gilbert “There is another way to be creative that does not make a fetish out of suffering. There is an older way, a richer way, a more generative way — the way human beings had been […]
being human
Summer Time Well Being
A long, long time ago in a far off land my best friend was a boy named Michael who lived up the street. We were both around 6 or 7 years old and we loved playing together. I recall sitting in the ivy under the big oak tree with big pillows stuffed under our broadly […]
Father’s Day or Listen Up!
Although I did not speak with my dad this Father’s Day, the day itself was filled with great experiences. I unexpectedly joined in on a terrific workshop called ‘Your Spiritual Tool Kit’. Then I enjoyed an impromptu lunch with a friend at my home where we fixed up scrambled eggs with feta, smokey hash browns […]
Don’t Be Alarmed II
A poem written at a time of strong feeling is a good thing…for me. It expresses itself so I can get on with the day. Gathering LightIn my mind I took a walkTo my heart Then let go And stayed there a while I slipped gathering light And fell in loveThis to shall passDon’t be […]
Happiness is a Choice
“Happiness can be cultivated” says Shawn Achor, author of Before Happiness. He calls it Happiness Hygiene and says it is as essential to living as brushing our teeth and eating right. Here are 5 Two Minute Happiness Drills which Achor’s research has proven to actually have the power to make us happier people. His work […]
Manifesting: the process revealed
“We need not always be effective, but only transparent and vulnerable. Then we are instruments, no matter what we do.” ~ richard rohr I have been gandering at this transition from grieving to gratitud-ing I am making. This is what I have come up with so far. With no anecdote here that will ground this […]
What does it feel like to receive unconditional love? Tag You’re It!