I have a thirsty fish in methat can never find enough of what it’s thirsty for!~ Rumi This was my father. He passed away 5 days ago. He was 75 and I loved him very much and I know he loved me. And even though I have 2 years experience in the grief department and because I […]
being human
Words as Tools
I think words are tools by which we fashion a life. What other purpose could there be? Harmony by Madeline Williams “I believe in Divine Harmony and nothing else. This means I have no belief in problems. No condition, situation or frustration can upset me, confuse me or destroy my equilibrium. I do not believe there […]
What Is is OK
Work in Progress Glimpses of letting go Glimpses of holding on And the living in between Galloping forward I am a work in progress Rocking back and forth this way Steadiness seems out of the question right now But as sure as the letting go and the holding on and the in between happen over and […]
Paying Attention
A Centipede was happy quite until a frog in jest said, “Pray which leg comes after which?” This raised his doubts to such a pitch, He lay bewildered in a ditch Considering how to run. ~ Author Unknown Taking yet another e-course with Thomas Moore, author of “Care of the Soul”, we are studying The Holy Fool: […]
My Ego – Not Yours! Mine. Mine. Mine.
I sent my ego to the “timeout chair” this morning. I am sitting here smiling imagining this silly and sweet happenstance. What would my ego look like if I could see it? Is it a smaller version of myself? It seems to be an innocent who does not know any better, but is not me as […]
So Many Passions
What does Passion mean to you? For the first half of my life I thought Passion was that feeling derived from sex and love. BTW this is also the time I thought sex & love were the same thing. Passion was that fleeting thing that waxed and waned according to life’s circumstance. It conjured up images […]
Like Walking on the Moon!
Love is a many splendid thing, but it is NOT something concrete – nor is Will, Reason or Imagination. Yet we’ve all experienced these insubstantial (yet very foundational) things. We’ve all felt love for a person, place or thing. We’ve all willed ourselves out of bed. And we’re always Reasoning… “Is it better to do thing […]
Requesting Relief
Loving someone is neither ‘a trap’ nor ‘the answer.’ It is a connection to Love. This truth allows for expansion of giving & receiving. Knowing this truth is a gift of great freedom and joy! Struggling to stay content with all the great and wonderful aspects of the life I am living I am arrived […]
6 Mental Faculties
“The task is not to see what has never been seen before, but to think what has never been thought before about what you see every day” ~ erwin schrodinger Saw this NASA image and immediately thought of Renaissance painter Mantegna’s fresco painting on a ceiling in Ducal Palace, Mantua, Italy. NASA astronomical photo of the day 2014 July 24 Mantegna “The […]
Perfectly Imperfect!!
Yes – it feels good to see how life is unfolding warts and all; to generate appreciation for a stubbed toe or a missed class. There are six pots in my second story window box and one is not getting water due to an out-of-joint drip line. So a little dry brown sprig of dead Asparagus […]
In the Stream
Today I am noticing my open heart is a garden where everything placed in it grows. And everything that comes from it nourishes. And when I relax into the flow of life, life provides all that I need easily and comfortably. LIFE is on my side! What better motivation can there be to arrange things in your […]
Follow the Sun
Making your new best life fit in with whatever is happening right now can be a very organic motion. It is as natural as a flower reaching it’s head toward the morning sun – and then following the sun throughout the day until dusk.Your conscious intention is the sunlight to which you will naturally turn […]