“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” ~ralph waldo emerson Ever wonder how to tweak your life to make it even better than it already is? No need to struggle – just allow “better” to happen.There are those bumper stickers that say ‘SHIT HAPPENS’? What […]
Deep Inside the Darkness is Light
“As long as you do not know what you are experiencing inside, you are asleep in your life, even though you may think you are very awake.” ~gary zukav Protection has got me thinking and feeling small. Rejection is fresh and overt as I begin to date again. It is harder than I thought it […]
How Do I Achieve Inner Peace?
When I read these words to myself, sometimes on a daily basis, I become stronger in my belief that Change and Peace are on the same continuum and they always start (and end) inside of me. “My whole being works best when I am able to achieve EQUANIMITY in life. I thrive when things are NOT tipped […]
I’m a Pepper. You’re a Pepper…
organism [awr-guh-niz-uh m] noun 1. a form of life composed of mutually interdependent parts that maintain various vital processes. To be an organism in my own life; to confidently behave in my own best interest without doubt, fear or judgement; this is my NIRVANA. This is not a selfish aim for in being such a thing I eclipse that part of myself that gets in […]
What Is is OK
Work in Progress Glimpses of letting go Glimpses of holding on And the living in between Galloping forward I am a work in progress Rocking back and forth this way Steadiness seems out of the question right now But as sure as the letting go and the holding on and the in between happen over and […]
Paying Attention
A Centipede was happy quite until a frog in jest said, “Pray which leg comes after which?” This raised his doubts to such a pitch, He lay bewildered in a ditch Considering how to run. ~ Author Unknown Taking yet another e-course with Thomas Moore, author of “Care of the Soul”, we are studying The Holy Fool: […]
So Many Passions
What does Passion mean to you? For the first half of my life I thought Passion was that feeling derived from sex and love. BTW this is also the time I thought sex & love were the same thing. Passion was that fleeting thing that waxed and waned according to life’s circumstance. It conjured up images […]
The Joy of Obstinance
No! I don’t want to! No! I will not! These are the things I say to myself when I am feeling completely obstinate. It is a feeling of standing still and strongly opposing that which is said to be important or otherwise necessary. Well I do not care what they say, I am not going […]
The Bigger Picture May Be Hard to Swallow
“It’s like Mahatma Gandhi gets put in jail and they give him a lice-infested uniform and tell him to clean the latrines, and it’s a whole mess. And he walks up to the head of the guards and he says, in total truth, “Thank you.” He’s not putting them on or up-leveling them. He’s saying, […]
I Love You Universe!
I am having a real tough realization today. It is rather embarrassing and I feel really raw but the TRUTH does that to us – doesn’t it?! Found out last nite that ‘my crush’ has happily found a sweetheart of his own. He has never responded to me in any way other than as a […]
Proximity Always Wins!
Our attention naturally goes to what is nearest. I see, smell and touch the matter at hand. My vision is acclimatized by my experiences so I essentially choose what I see. But the Imperceptibles, those higher vibrational energies like emotion and the eternal qualities of Love, Grace, Joy, Harmony, Illumination, Creativity… you get the picture… […]
Like never before
Even though I am just a confused as ever, I am ready now to find right work. And I choose a project with soul in mind…one that directly conjures higher expansion.I came across a term recently that grabbed my attention – “The bardos.” Bardo is a Tibetan word which literally means “in-between.” and connotes the wisdom of […]