“Freedom is available at anytime to anyone – and so is captivity.” ~martha beck Renewing my heart’s willingness to Love is my next task at hand. Here are some of my limiting beliefs… How do I fathom such a thing? Where does one heart end and another leave off? What kind of trial must I go through before […]
Becoming Wide and Open
“Your beliefs become your thoughts Your thoughts become your wordsYour words become your actionsYour actions become your habitsYour habits become your characterYour character becomes your destiny” ~mohandas ghandi There is an energy that is spoiling my peace. It crackles and shifts the silence within me. And deep down and all through everything I know – I know this […]
Peace From Wanting
“Normally, the test of greatness in the arts is the ability to state deep feelings and perceptions simply, clearly, and well. Indeed, it may well be said that until a person can express a thought clearly and simply, he hasn’t yet fully understood it himself.” ~ Swami Kriyananda, from the book ‘Art as a Hidden […]
I’m a Pepper. You’re a Pepper…
organism [awr-guh-niz-uh m] noun 1. a form of life composed of mutually interdependent parts that maintain various vital processes. To be an organism in my own life; to confidently behave in my own best interest without doubt, fear or judgement; this is my NIRVANA. This is not a selfish aim for in being such a thing I eclipse that part of myself that gets in […]
The Divine in Scotland
the divine in the palm of our hands “I am where I need to be. Everything around me includes and hides the sacred.” ~ Mary Mrozowski This includes haggis. What is divine that is in front of you? Tag You’re It!
What Is is OK
Work in Progress Glimpses of letting go Glimpses of holding on And the living in between Galloping forward I am a work in progress Rocking back and forth this way Steadiness seems out of the question right now But as sure as the letting go and the holding on and the in between happen over and […]
“The birds are molting. If only man could molt also – his mind once a year its errors, his heart once a year its useless passions.” ~ james allen This is WCHG radio sweeping you forward to a brighter day! Give a listen. Click on the names below – unless you don’t want to feel empowered? Change […]
So Many Passions
What does Passion mean to you? For the first half of my life I thought Passion was that feeling derived from sex and love. BTW this is also the time I thought sex & love were the same thing. Passion was that fleeting thing that waxed and waned according to life’s circumstance. It conjured up images […]
Summer Time Well Being
A long, long time ago in a far off land my best friend was a boy named Michael who lived up the street. We were both around 6 or 7 years old and we loved playing together. I recall sitting in the ivy under the big oak tree with big pillows stuffed under our broadly […]
The Joy of Obstinance
No! I don’t want to! No! I will not! These are the things I say to myself when I am feeling completely obstinate. It is a feeling of standing still and strongly opposing that which is said to be important or otherwise necessary. Well I do not care what they say, I am not going […]
Self Love
Soulfully attending to body, mind and spirit manifests all manner of actual good things into being. Here is another list to tack up on the mirror or place by the bed to remind us of this! The Top Ten Reasons Why I Exercise By Jessica Ortner 1) Movement in your body means movement in your life. […]
A few synonyms for permission are: authorization, consent, leave, authority, sanction, license, dispensation, assent, acquiescence, agreement, seal/stamp of approval, blessing, clearance, allowance & empowerment. Who gives us permission? I have come to realize I have the power to give myself permission. Permission to love. Permission to heal. Permission to feel ALL the feelings that arise, not just […]