“Nothing could be finer than meditating in Carolina…” Wouldn’t it be great if meditation was as American as baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet? I wonder what kind of world we could create if meditation was demystified, re imagined or sold en mass like cereal or detergent? Is it just me or are we […]
Life is Butter: The Meaning of Power
“Butter”, 8 x10 Watercolor “Power” is a powerful word. I know I am not supposed to use a word to define that same word. So what other words are conjured up when you think about POWER? My head and heart used to turn toward FEAR when I considered the idea of POWER. “Run away! Run […]
How To Unfold
“Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.” ~rumi How do I unfold? Until I am able to live in the dream for my highest self, I am borrowing my Soul’s heart to assist me in making decisions. To do this I am meditating more regularly, which helps me to […]
A meditation on Beauty
Look at the beauty all around you. Or just look at one thing that is beautiful to you. Really take note of each bit and piece of the thing that is beauty to you. Now – close your eyes and recreate the thing – see the shape and the texture and the variations of color […]
Vocabulary as Lesson
Won’t you join me in a vocabulary lesson? Pull up a chair and set awhile. But be aware you may find that these little words scorch a space inside you that may be difficult to attend to in just one sitting. Or maybe not… Here are a few words which describe Metaphysical ideas that may […]
Thinking About Contemplation
I am struck by the difference in the participants when one contemplates verses when one meditates. It seems to me meditation requires joyous wide and vast emptiness and contemplation joyously lets in all comers. Both allow for emergence of higher understanding. Both require an acknowledgement of an inner life and willingness to see. I am […]
Emotions are like Black & White Cookies
Have you ever had a Black and White cookie? It is the official baked good of Manhattan and perhaps some places in New Jersey as well. It is a soft cake-like cookie the size of a newborn’s head. On top it is iced with both a chocolate and vanilla icing and has a striking hard […]
Tell Me Everything will be OK
A deer chose my house this week. He found a soft pile of leaves on the protected side of the yard, a refuge in the tightly bound space between two fences and my house. There was a complete break. I saw the bone to his back left hoof jutting out from his leg. The pain […]
Dissolving the Ego
Dissolving the Ego is like selling the first car you ever owned. You are attached to it. You have depended on it to take you places since… forever It is how you move around, get attention, how you are able to carry all that stuff around with you wherever you go. How could you ever […]
Alchemy of Grief
Painful memories come at the strangest times. The memories aren’t painful, they are warm and joy filled. The pain comes when memory is wed to the current moment. Shopping for groceries I pass by the in store Starbucks. Michael always stopped at the retail display to hunt for dishwasher safe travel mugs. Not for himself, […]
Allowing the Now
Was it courageous for Michael to choose not to seek treatment? Was it courageous for me to be by his side and help him as his illness ran the table? Not knowing if we had 6 weeks or 6 months – it was a time of uber conscious living in the Now.After making his choice, […]
Pass the bread please
Self-Love is the bread of life. Bread, Original Watercolor by Linda Dallas http://www.appetite4art.com/linda_dallas_notecard_103.htm I am getting used to taking care of myself again. I did it before I was married. A burst of tears erupts as missing Michael pushes forward. He had my back. Who has my back now asks my tears? I must have my […]