Here is a recount made last year to a friend about things as they were unfolding for me then. Remembering where I was gives me clarity on how far I have come! “I made it past 3 of the 4 challenging events – Mike’s B-Day, my B-Day and the fact that my B-Day was such a milestone […]
deliberate choice
Beginning Anew…Again
“The mind creates the abyss, the heart crosses it.” ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj “A time comes in your life when you finally get it…when, in the midst of all your fears and insanity, you stop dead in your tracks and somewhere the voice inside your head cries out…enough! Enough fighting and crying and blaming and […]
Joy Springs Up in Unexpected Places
Do you know the sound the cartoon dog makes when he shoots his head straight up and suddenly becomes aware of something? And his warm, sweet and goofy awareness changes everything and comically moves the story forward? Well – I am making that sound – dumb lovable feisty me. I am suddenly aware that I […]
Darkness, Play, Joy
“What if this is what it looks like while my dream of the end of Apartheid is happening? What if my being in this very situation is… part of… my overcoming?”~Nelson Mandela about his imprisonment“Just how do we deal with agitations of the dark? How do we make our way through the tangle of being […]
Lots of pain and lots of tears and lots of strategies employed to get through a rough patch. I am so weary of revisiting these dark places. But by claiming and naming them, by the simple passage of time, and with help from those who care about me – I am slowly coming back […]
“Beauvoir lent Maheu a recent English novel she had enjoyed, The Green Hat, by Michael Arlen. She admired its independent heroine, Iris Storm. Maheu did not. ‘I have no liking for women of easy virtue,’ he told her. ‘Much as I like a woman to please me, I find it impossible to respect any woman […]
Proximity Always Wins!
Our attention naturally goes to what is nearest. I see, smell and touch the matter at hand. My vision is acclimatized by my experiences so I essentially choose what I see. But the Imperceptibles, those higher vibrational energies like emotion and the eternal qualities of Love, Grace, Joy, Harmony, Illumination, Creativity… you get the picture… […]