A Centipede was happy quite until a frog in jest said, “Pray which leg comes after which?” This raised his doubts to such a pitch, He lay bewildered in a ditch Considering how to run. ~ Author Unknown Taking yet another e-course with Thomas Moore, author of “Care of the Soul”, we are studying The Holy Fool: […]
conscious living
My Ego – Not Yours! Mine. Mine. Mine.
I sent my ego to the “timeout chair” this morning. I am sitting here smiling imagining this silly and sweet happenstance. What would my ego look like if I could see it? Is it a smaller version of myself? It seems to be an innocent who does not know any better, but is not me as […]
Receiving Love
Oh I can give Love all day long. It is automatic and very fulfilling. Every morning I enjoy making sure the needs of my dog are graciously and completely met. I feel real happiness making sure my sister has all she needs to be relaxed and feel like a winner. And when I am able to […]
So Many Passions
What does Passion mean to you? For the first half of my life I thought Passion was that feeling derived from sex and love. BTW this is also the time I thought sex & love were the same thing. Passion was that fleeting thing that waxed and waned according to life’s circumstance. It conjured up images […]
Like Walking on the Moon!
Love is a many splendid thing, but it is NOT something concrete – nor is Will, Reason or Imagination. Yet we’ve all experienced these insubstantial (yet very foundational) things. We’ve all felt love for a person, place or thing. We’ve all willed ourselves out of bed. And we’re always Reasoning… “Is it better to do thing […]
Creating From Wholeness
“I am going to tell a story with great meaning. I am going to make you cry, then make you laugh.” ~ me to myself after dreaming strange things. In my past I have created things (comedy, paintings, writing… even relationships) from a hungry place so I could feel worthy. Creation to fill emptiness, though still good stuff, is weighted down […]
A Healing Effect
“For things to reveal themselves to us, we need to be ready to abandon our views about them.” ~ thich nhat hahn Describing a feeling is never easy unless I have an acute sense of it’s components. I have been living under an umbrella of grief for 23 months now so I can describe that […]
Full Engagement
Peacocks of Chatham County, 21″ x 27″ Watercolor There is a way to manufacture a life so it sits up straight and eats it’s vegetables, but I want more. There is a way to place yourself on a positive path by counting your blessings and recognizing the good things that are right in front of your nose, […]
non-judgmental awareness
“The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.” ~thich nhat hahn Ahhhhhh – to be in non-judgmental awareness is a lovely vacation of sorts. It is a getaway from the push and pull of things. When I am here all that crosses my “virtual desk of life” […]
6 Mental Faculties
“The task is not to see what has never been seen before, but to think what has never been thought before about what you see every day” ~ erwin schrodinger Saw this NASA image and immediately thought of Renaissance painter Mantegna’s fresco painting on a ceiling in Ducal Palace, Mantua, Italy. NASA astronomical photo of the day 2014 July 24 Mantegna “The […]
Perfectly Imperfect!!
Yes – it feels good to see how life is unfolding warts and all; to generate appreciation for a stubbed toe or a missed class. There are six pots in my second story window box and one is not getting water due to an out-of-joint drip line. So a little dry brown sprig of dead Asparagus […]
In the Stream
Today I am noticing my open heart is a garden where everything placed in it grows. And everything that comes from it nourishes. And when I relax into the flow of life, life provides all that I need easily and comfortably. LIFE is on my side! What better motivation can there be to arrange things in your […]