Looking back, my Religious/Spiritual timeline begins with casual Sunday School for one summer followed by communion and a photo of me in a dress in front of a huge pink azalea. NO inner connections were made. Everything was external and ceremonial. During my teen years I was hit by a car and felt my soul […]
A Messy Life
My life has made (and is making) a transition as we speak from orderly to NOT. And I am becoming accustomed to it somehow. Through grief I have warmed to uncertainty. Is this why folks want religion – to acquaint themselves with the roiling of life? And to make friends with it? I recall letting […]
Lots of pain and lots of tears and lots of strategies employed to get through a rough patch. I am so weary of revisiting these dark places. But by claiming and naming them, by the simple passage of time, and with help from those who care about me – I am slowly coming back […]
I will not sugar coat it for you
Look – I will not sugar coat it for you, if you will not sugar coat it for me. This is Authenticity. “Authentic carries a connotation of authoritative certification that an object is what it is claimed to be.” From dictionary.com I can mostly be counted on to be authentic, except when I am unsure of […]