If I were 22 again I would tell myself, “Life has so many graduations for you. Enjoy this one from University and know there will be many more ahead!” I would want to take the pressure, which I personally placed on my own shoulders, off – so I could enjoy all the moment had to […]
“When I Grew Out of…”
“When you feel peaceful joy, that is when you are near truth” ~rumi I smiled when a friend used this phrase in an email recently,“When I grew out of…” It reminded me that, even after the age of 50, we do grow out of things. It let me know that whatever I am going through right […]
A New Way to Love
“The colors of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky, Are also on the faces of people going by. I see friends shaking hands, sayin’, “How do you do?” They’re really saying, ” I love you” ~from Lyrics “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong I am IN love. Not like “what is his name?” kind […]
How Do I Achieve Inner Peace?
When I read these words to myself, sometimes on a daily basis, I become stronger in my belief that Change and Peace are on the same continuum and they always start (and end) inside of me. “My whole being works best when I am able to achieve EQUANIMITY in life. I thrive when things are NOT tipped […]
So Many Passions
What does Passion mean to you? For the first half of my life I thought Passion was that feeling derived from sex and love. BTW this is also the time I thought sex & love were the same thing. Passion was that fleeting thing that waxed and waned according to life’s circumstance. It conjured up images […]
Creating From Wholeness
“I am going to tell a story with great meaning. I am going to make you cry, then make you laugh.” ~ me to myself after dreaming strange things. In my past I have created things (comedy, paintings, writing… even relationships) from a hungry place so I could feel worthy. Creation to fill emptiness, though still good stuff, is weighted down […]
6 Mental Faculties
“The task is not to see what has never been seen before, but to think what has never been thought before about what you see every day” ~ erwin schrodinger Saw this NASA image and immediately thought of Renaissance painter Mantegna’s fresco painting on a ceiling in Ducal Palace, Mantua, Italy. NASA astronomical photo of the day 2014 July 24 Mantegna “The […]
Summer Time Well Being
A long, long time ago in a far off land my best friend was a boy named Michael who lived up the street. We were both around 6 or 7 years old and we loved playing together. I recall sitting in the ivy under the big oak tree with big pillows stuffed under our broadly […]
Don’t Be Alarmed II
A poem written at a time of strong feeling is a good thing…for me. It expresses itself so I can get on with the day. Gathering LightIn my mind I took a walkTo my heart Then let go And stayed there a while I slipped gathering light And fell in loveThis to shall passDon’t be […]
Self Love
Soulfully attending to body, mind and spirit manifests all manner of actual good things into being. Here is another list to tack up on the mirror or place by the bed to remind us of this! The Top Ten Reasons Why I Exercise By Jessica Ortner 1) Movement in your body means movement in your life. […]
Transported by Joy
The sun is shining and the cool winds of a burgeoning spring are blowing thru my hair. I am driving home after a great day of doing what I love. I am joy. Time is stopped as a wonderful feeling surges from within. Then I see the break lights. But there is no thing that can come between me […]
Monkeying around with Religion
“The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we see in them.” Thomas MertonThomas Merton was a trappist monk of the Abbey of Gethsemani, Kentucky, he was a poet, mystic and a student of […]