“What you seek is seeking you.” ~rumi When I became aware of Leonard Mlodinow’s book The Fragility of Grand Discoveries, which makes the case for randomness’ role in science, it started me thinking. Books will do that! I wondered about making use of randomness in this teeny-tiny-little experiment called my life and what discoveries might […]
Personal Power
Better Happens
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” ~ralph waldo emerson Ever wonder how to tweak your life to make it even better than it already is? No need to struggle – just allow “better” to happen.There are those bumper stickers that say ‘SHIT HAPPENS’? What […]
Yearning: Other Words Other Ways
We all yearn for something. Christine Valters Painter stirs my yearning to be one with my soul’s heart. I say yes and yes and yes to living from the inside out!“This is not a poem but a rain-soaked day keeping me insidewith you and you loving me like a storm. This is not a poem but […]
Deep Inside the Darkness is Light
“As long as you do not know what you are experiencing inside, you are asleep in your life, even though you may think you are very awake.” ~gary zukav Protection has got me thinking and feeling small. Rejection is fresh and overt as I begin to date again. It is harder than I thought it […]
Renewed Willingness
“Freedom is available at anytime to anyone – and so is captivity.” ~martha beck Renewing my heart’s willingness to Love is my next task at hand. Here are some of my limiting beliefs… How do I fathom such a thing? Where does one heart end and another leave off? What kind of trial must I go through before […]
Becoming Wide and Open
“Your beliefs become your thoughts Your thoughts become your wordsYour words become your actionsYour actions become your habitsYour habits become your characterYour character becomes your destiny” ~mohandas ghandi There is an energy that is spoiling my peace. It crackles and shifts the silence within me. And deep down and all through everything I know – I know this […]
Life is Butter: The Meaning of Power
“Butter”, 8 x10 Watercolor “Power” is a powerful word. I know I am not supposed to use a word to define that same word. So what other words are conjured up when you think about POWER? My head and heart used to turn toward FEAR when I considered the idea of POWER. “Run away! Run […]
How To Unfold
“Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.” ~rumi How do I unfold? Until I am able to live in the dream for my highest self, I am borrowing my Soul’s heart to assist me in making decisions. To do this I am meditating more regularly, which helps me to […]
I’m a Pepper. You’re a Pepper…
organism [awr-guh-niz-uh m] noun 1. a form of life composed of mutually interdependent parts that maintain various vital processes. To be an organism in my own life; to confidently behave in my own best interest without doubt, fear or judgement; this is my NIRVANA. This is not a selfish aim for in being such a thing I eclipse that part of myself that gets in […]
A Teaching Creme Brûlée
“I tired of the routine of eight years in one afternoon.”― Charlotte Brontë I am no innocent bystander. Everything I do, say, think and believe affects my life. I had a teaching creme brûlée last nite. I knew it was OK to order it, but I did not pay enough attention to the description on the menu. […]