We all yearn for something. Christine Valters Painter stirs my yearning to be one with my soul’s heart. I say yes and yes and yes to living from the inside out!“This is not a poem but a rain-soaked day keeping me insidewith you and you loving me like a storm. This is not a poem but […]
I’m a Pepper. You’re a Pepper…
organism [awr-guh-niz-uh m] noun 1. a form of life composed of mutually interdependent parts that maintain various vital processes. To be an organism in my own life; to confidently behave in my own best interest without doubt, fear or judgement; this is my NIRVANA. This is not a selfish aim for in being such a thing I eclipse that part of myself that gets in […]
Fallen I am wounded I am weak I am not alone. Scooped up Made warm and welcome Earth dug deep with candles lit Your love nourishes me. Gracious nestling In your family’s home, your heart, your lives, your land. Just now this way I am safe I can crow I am made stronger in your […]
Summer Time Well Being
A long, long time ago in a far off land my best friend was a boy named Michael who lived up the street. We were both around 6 or 7 years old and we loved playing together. I recall sitting in the ivy under the big oak tree with big pillows stuffed under our broadly […]
What does it feel like to receive unconditional love? Tag You’re It!
Asking the Mask a Few Questions
Where did you come from – this mask of mine? Are you planning on staying long? What purpose do you serve? Can I see underneath? How many others do I allow to peek? When you showed up was I aware of your coming or did you slide slowly onto my face as lichen attaches to […]
Good Words Found
Love is a sacrament. Beauty is a sacrament. Peace is a sacrament. Creativity is a sacrament. These things course through us just as surely as our blood. These are our sacred bonds with the divine and with each other: they are sacraments administered by the divine through the human. By manifesting these divine energies, we […]
I Love You Universe!
I am having a real tough realization today. It is rather embarrassing and I feel really raw but the TRUTH does that to us – doesn’t it?! Found out last nite that ‘my crush’ has happily found a sweetheart of his own. He has never responded to me in any way other than as a […]
Happy Holidays?
The holidays are a time that gets lots of traffic at the Feeling Depot. When you are grieving it feels like there is a train that leaves every hour. I am working very hard to not leave the station and just let the trains come and go as they must. Keeping grounded this way moves […]