“What you seek is seeking you.” ~rumi When I became aware of Leonard Mlodinow’s book The Fragility of Grand Discoveries, which makes the case for randomness’ role in science, it started me thinking. Books will do that! I wondered about making use of randomness in this teeny-tiny-little experiment called my life and what discoveries might […]
manifesting your desires
“When I Grew Out of…”
“When you feel peaceful joy, that is when you are near truth” ~rumi I smiled when a friend used this phrase in an email recently,“When I grew out of…” It reminded me that, even after the age of 50, we do grow out of things. It let me know that whatever I am going through right […]
Renewed Willingness
“Freedom is available at anytime to anyone – and so is captivity.” ~martha beck Renewing my heart’s willingness to Love is my next task at hand. Here are some of my limiting beliefs… How do I fathom such a thing? Where does one heart end and another leave off? What kind of trial must I go through before […]
Peace From Wanting
“Normally, the test of greatness in the arts is the ability to state deep feelings and perceptions simply, clearly, and well. Indeed, it may well be said that until a person can express a thought clearly and simply, he hasn’t yet fully understood it himself.” ~ Swami Kriyananda, from the book ‘Art as a Hidden […]
Life is Butter: The Meaning of Power
“Butter”, 8 x10 Watercolor “Power” is a powerful word. I know I am not supposed to use a word to define that same word. So what other words are conjured up when you think about POWER? My head and heart used to turn toward FEAR when I considered the idea of POWER. “Run away! Run […]
Happy Valentine’s Day!
I do not fit snuggly into a world built on principles of clock time and corporeal senses alone. I may appear eccentric if I write about things like “equanimity” and “straddling eternity.” But it is in the effemera I feel most hardy. My strength seems to build upon itself in the light of my spirit. […]
How To Unfold
“Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.” ~rumi How do I unfold? Until I am able to live in the dream for my highest self, I am borrowing my Soul’s heart to assist me in making decisions. To do this I am meditating more regularly, which helps me to […]
I’m a Pepper. You’re a Pepper…
organism [awr-guh-niz-uh m] noun 1. a form of life composed of mutually interdependent parts that maintain various vital processes. To be an organism in my own life; to confidently behave in my own best interest without doubt, fear or judgement; this is my NIRVANA. This is not a selfish aim for in being such a thing I eclipse that part of myself that gets in […]
Finding your G-spot
“If you can sit quietly after difficult news (even if in financial downturns you remain perfectly calm)… If you can see your neighbors travel to fantastic places without a twinge of jealously… If you can happily eat whatever is on your plate, or fall asleep after a day of running around without a drink or a pill… If you […]
Lessons from the Farm
“…before a dream is realized, the Soul of the World tests everything that was learned along the way. It does this not because it is evil, but so that we can, in addition to realizing our dreams, master the lessons we’ve learned as we’ve moved toward that dream.” ~from The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho Perhaps […]
An Open Invitation
Crazy good explanation…I am so grateful for it’s joyful clarity! http://omeleto.com/199433/
Turning the Corner
“…while the voice of social conditioning manifests itself as a stream of thoughts in the head, wisdom often appears as emotions or physical sensations in the body.” ~martha beck Unfoldment Rough hune husks fall away Making tender tendrils shown Creeping vines and shoots gather In a storm of awakening I am anew I am crossing […]