“As long as you do not know what you are experiencing inside, you are asleep in your life, even though you may think you are very awake.” ~gary zukav Protection has got me thinking and feeling small. Rejection is fresh and overt as I begin to date again. It is harder than I thought it […]
The Joy of Obstinance
No! I don’t want to! No! I will not! These are the things I say to myself when I am feeling completely obstinate. It is a feeling of standing still and strongly opposing that which is said to be important or otherwise necessary. Well I do not care what they say, I am not going […]
Manifesting: the process revealed
“We need not always be effective, but only transparent and vulnerable. Then we are instruments, no matter what we do.” ~ richard rohr I have been gandering at this transition from grieving to gratitud-ing I am making. This is what I have come up with so far. With no anecdote here that will ground this […]
Monkeying around with Religion
“The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we see in them.” Thomas MertonThomas Merton was a trappist monk of the Abbey of Gethsemani, Kentucky, he was a poet, mystic and a student of […]
Clarity 2.0
Clarity is a fleeting pain in the ass. The prevailing winds change, clarity gently brushes against your cheek, then drifts on. So you better be ready for it or it may just pass you by like it never happened. What do I believe? Getting clear here will help me move to the next level in […]
Allowing the Now
Was it courageous for Michael to choose not to seek treatment? Was it courageous for me to be by his side and help him as his illness ran the table? Not knowing if we had 6 weeks or 6 months – it was a time of uber conscious living in the Now.After making his choice, […]