When I read these words to myself, sometimes on a daily basis, I become stronger in my belief that Change and Peace are on the same continuum and they always start (and end) inside of me. “My whole being works best when I am able to achieve EQUANIMITY in life. I thrive when things are NOT tipped […]
A Daily Practice
“Fish live in streams Birds nest in trees Human beings dwell In warm hearts.” ~Japanese folk Zen saying Keeping my heart open is the plan for the day. It is the plan for everyday. It is a mantra, a philosophy, a way of life. Keeping my heart open allows all my periodic fears to be […]
Don’t Postpone Joy
Today I am here… “Picture in your inner eye, your inner sight, four avocado seeds on the window sill. Three are suspended in a glass of water and have sprouted. One is still dry and papery and brown. Each of the sprouting seeds has its own character. One has two long roots, like two rubbery […]
Advocating for Meditation
“Through the sacred art of pausing, we develop the capacity to stop hiding, to stop running away from our experience. We begin to trust in our natural intelligence, in our naturally wise heart, in our capacity to open to whatever arises. Like awakening from a dream, in the moment of pausing our trance recedes and […]
An Open Invitation
Crazy good explanation…I am so grateful for it’s joyful clarity! http://omeleto.com/199433/
Viva Les Questions!
“It can’t just be about others because it’s too depleting. It can’t just be about ourselves because it’s too lonely.” ~Jason Garner Everywhere everyday opportunities arise to help ourselves and to help others but where is the balance? How can we next make the right decision to help ourselves or to help others? What kind […]
Words as Tools
I think words are tools by which we fashion a life. What other purpose could there be? Harmony by Madeline Williams “I believe in Divine Harmony and nothing else. This means I have no belief in problems. No condition, situation or frustration can upset me, confuse me or destroy my equilibrium. I do not believe there […]