“It can’t just be about others because it’s too depleting. It can’t just be about ourselves because it’s too lonely.” ~Jason Garner
Everywhere everyday opportunities arise to help ourselves and to help others but where is the balance? How can we next make the right decision to help ourselves or to help others? What kind of mastermind can hone in on the right thing today to do right now?
These are an awful lot of questions. But I have found when I ask questions it is not my responsibility to answer them. It is only my responsibility to form them from a deep and meaningful place within my heart. And I know if I do this, from this place, the answers will come to me easily.
Takes a load off doesn’t it?
It is so great to know you don’t have to have the answers. You only have to ask the RIGHT question!
These questions are both the key to our suffering and the key to our joy. I am certain you are totally aware we all have easy access to our own questions. They just naturally exist in us all. They are as individual to each of us ad our own particular journeys. And they all contain the answers we are seeking within them!
Just ask them.
Just ask them WITH FEELING from a sincere place deep inside your heart knowing in the asking the answer lies.
I have found great peace in allowing myself to just live in my questions like this – for I know the answers will come.
Got any questions?
Tag You’re It!
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