Seems creating requires focused alone time, and since (currently) I abhor being alone — not alone like having no pals or neighbors, but alone like not having a confidant, an intimate buddy who sincerely listens and who sincerely cares & shares in return — I am finding myself on strike! And so since creating is one […]
You are now a legend. Half real half made up. We see you in our minds, in the stories we tell and the few pictures you allowed. We have you just as we wish and you are not here to defend yourself. Or correct us. We see a memory – which you always maintained can […]
Memory Lapses
Would I prefer to lose my memories than to suffer through the grieving process? Just for a moment I’ll give this notion some extra attention. The idea swam into my head after reading about a man who’s doctor/friend annually gives him an end of year check up. It is an informal question and answer thing, […]
“To find the balance you want, this is what you must become. You must keep your feet grounded so firmly on the earth that it’s like you have 4 legs instead of 2. That way, you can stay in the world. But you must stop looking at the world through your head. You must look […]
Winter Solstice Blessing
Shed away your tired old coats my darlings. Shed the tearsthat tear you from within.Like a snakewho has outgrown her skin,writhe and scrapeuntil the dull old scalesfall away.Slough off the remnantsof your worn-out self.Peel away the layersthat no longer suit you,that constrict you,so a shiny,smooth,lissome youemerges.Glide effortlesslyinto the new yearadaptable,flexible,amenable,joyful.Enter your new beginningwith grace,warm, bright, […]