My, my, how time flies…and seems to stand still at the same time. David Byrne said it like this, “Same as it ever was…” And so it is, the struggle to get on with it – as if I had control over the timing of things. I want…
What does it matter how I end this sentence?
Just the wanting itself is the thing. I recognize, from experience, that wanting a car, a house, or a cheeseburger is universally human and thus the easiest for us to share with each other and this is where we most often connect.
Wanting a thing is considered real in time and space, and is tangible. It also begets a rainbow of possible experiences brought about by the wanting. And then POOF! A desire of this nature, once achieved is often then replaced by another.
Then there is the wanting of an experience itself – like feeling completely understood or knowing deep love. This is the next level of desire. It is more soulful and sometimes well covered over so we don’t even know it is there. Left in the shadows these desires create plenty of havoc. But when brought to the light they become very useful tools.
This form of desire is sometimes considered real, is never tangible, does not exist in time, and begets an experience of itself! In addition to this self replicating phenomenon, there a variety of forms from which this desire can manifest. Different circumstances are constantly coalescing to form my desired experience for connection, for love, and for joy. And I am finding this a rich way to live because at this level of desire actual people, places and things are so mutable.
But this level still includes wanting…
And then, perhaps maybe on still a higher level of being, is the cessation of wanting. Often, lately, I have felt the desire to let go of wanting all together – to become aware that what is manifesting right now is perfectly fine and all there is. This is a new level of awareness. It is hitched to my request for experiences, but not so tightly bound so that I feel a need to control the outcome.
Leaning into letting go has become my practice. Like rehearsing scales on a piano, I practice knowing these different levels of desire intimately as they rise and fall within me. I am cultivating a relationship with those of the higher nature. And I am using this awareness practice to flow toward more satisfying and harmonious experiences each and every day.
It is simultaneously, out of my hands, and all up to me. And I am fine with that.
What are your practicing?
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