Wondering if just plain living day-to-day is it’s own ritual? And wondering when the ritual day-to-day is interrupted why we panic and how do we cope? And mostly wondering why this type of disruption is not more coveted?
I just sold my home and moved in with a friend for a while. My friend has been uber accommodating and the living is easy. But still there lies within me this definite feeling of being at a threshold betwixt and between common hours – to obliquely reference Mr. Thoreau.
I am living in liminality. And no matter how comfortable my new digs are, living in liminality holds by it’s very nature discomfort or at least some disorientation. And who likes being there? That was the case until I recognized more deeply the gifts of the LIMINAL.
Within liminal time and space there is a breaking away from a regular ritualized pattern that is some how encouraging. This intermezzo between my sorrowful past and the adventure of an unknown future is giving birth to a more waked up form of myself!
I am no longer striving. I am now arriving. I am, I do, I have. I am choosing to not fill in these blanks with anything that has come before. I am seeing “everything anew.” My expectations are unbridled as I embody THE PRESENT as a threshold adorned.
What’s wrong with change? What’s wrong with newness? What’s right with waking up sleepyhead?
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