Okay, let’s take a moment and use all our powers of imagination. Let’s pretend for the next 10 minutes. Let’s crank up our happiness quotient as if we are children making things up just to try things on and see how they feel… just for the fun of it.
Are you there with me? Is your sense of wonder and excitement palpable? Is your heart racing fast like mine is? Okay – now in this creative feast of a moment pretend your wildest dream has just come true!
…hey what just happened?
My imagination just totally shutdown. And my excitement just dropped off a cliff. I had no idea how hard this was until I actually tried it. Turns out imagining as attained your most amazing hoped for outcome in a pretend moment of exaltation is r-e-a-l-l-y scary! To hold space for this kind of completeness, I must confess, is way passed my abilities right now.
Maybe I need to work up to this “imagination challenge” by first pretending I just read a great book in which the hero made it through some horrible gauntlet and then finally achieved her heart’s desire. Perhaps right now that is the best I can do – see my dream as happening to somebody else who is not only NOT ME, but NOT EVEN REAL!
Oh but…
…wouldn’t it be grand to feel the way the hero feels – to feel the foggy giddiness of pure joy that eclipses all other joys? To allow my body to fall back in a beautiful crush of surrender and elation knowing nothing else mattered and I could die happy knowing that I have missed out on NOTHING. Wouldn’t it feel fabulous to have finally got that which my soul has been demanding for so so long!
Yes, yes, yes, I feel it now. It feels warm in the middle of my chest. It feels like vast and never ending pink and green BLISS.
Hey! I did it! I imagined it!
I guess the trick is to let go of the mind’s particulars, the never ending detailed plans, and just work our imagination muscle long and hard enough until our thoughts find their way to (or from) our hearts.
Feeling blissful emotions creates electrical charges you know. Whether these charges arise organically from a reaction to real world circumstance or whether they are actively summoned from a deep well of conscious imagination the energy is exactly the same.
Experiment and see. Summon your child-like self again. It will be fun, I promise.
What have you got to lose?
Tag. You’re It!
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