Magician suggests things like: amazing feats, extreme skill, and secret slight of hand. I view a magician as one who grasps the unseen and harnesses it to become reality. My magical talents are derived from common sense knowledge, everyday emotion, consistent practice and unconditional trust that all is well.
If you want to magically manifest your heart’s desire into a mundane world, you will have to come to terms with the actuality, the workings and the efficient manipulation of this web, understanding its laws and vagaries. This web is what causes so-called ‘coincidences’, or those freak connections that we make right when we need them most.
It is this system that brings the teacher to the student at exactly the right time, puts the very book we need on the bookshelf just when we needed it, draws the right person, website, or blog into our lives at the opportune moment.Therefore it is essential, in order to achieve your highest possible destiny, that you do the work toward understanding this web of life. And in so doing, you too will become a team player… one who manifests all manner of things for your highest good and the highest good of others.
You can start today by experimenting with the way this web works. Begin by becoming aware of thoughts you are transmitting to yourself and others. What we put out eventually finds its way back to us – colored by everything it has touched along the way. This is the single most practical reason for positive thinking!
We need to consider our overall direction too. Are we doing things to actually fulfill our aspirations? We need to look at how every single action we take can be made into an act of magic. People miss this concept all the time. Begin today the practice of holding this idea in the forefront of your mind. Pay attention today how this practice alone changes the way you approach your daily activities.
Acting with intent is another practice you can begin starting right now. For instance, if you cook a meal, cook it with the intention that it will sustain the very spirit of those who eat it. And back it up with deep abiding feelings. If you do the washing up, do it remembering that you are washing away the stains of the world. And make sure to back it up with the love and good feelings of being one who serves. If you are driving to see a friend, regard the journey as another step in your growth and development. Feel the excitement and wonder of the multitude of unknown good and gracious possibilities to come.
Get the idea?
Practicing everything with intent and deep abiding feeling plugs you into the clear and crystalline flow of your Emotions. Your power to manifest lies here – for Emotion is more than just a passing party or storm that happens to you. Emotion is energy. Emotion is that which connects you, a mortal human being, to the unseen spirit, the eternal spirit part of your being.
We are meant to use Emotion to create. Taking back this power takes daily practice. Daily practice strengthens this power. And…from personal experience, let me tell you it really gets the mundane stuff done quickly, efficiently and with a fuller heart than I had ever imagined!
Lastly, when working with your Emotions to become one who manifests, remember one thing – if you aren’t happy with your life the way you’ve made it so far, accepting your inner magician is one way to access your power within. Working with your inner magician will make your life something brighter than it is and something way more satisfying.
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