“Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.” ~mary anne radmacher
Sometimes I feel like I’m absurdly gifted with things nobody wants. Like, “She is really good at climbing trees and painting turtles” or “He can correctly guess the weight of your grocery bags – separately or all together!” Yet the awkward talents I possess, my own unique gifts, please me to no end.
Where does my gifted spirit best meet this corporeal world? How can I spend my limited time here on earth loving what I do and serving others as well?
My spirit meets this world at it’s verges – on the edge of all boundaries where no man or women has been before. This is the spot creativity meets joy and beauty. This nexus is my place. This is where I belong.
If this is true – then how should I see those pernicious companions of mine called Sorrow and Tears? Their significance cannot be ignored or denied.
Tears are tools I am told. We use them to whittle away at the rough edges of things. They hone our sensitivities and help us reveal what is smooth, easy and true. If we pay attention, they can make clearer what is most important in our lives.
If this is true – then I am waging peace for unencumbered Beauty and Joy with ease and comfort knowing this spiritually vivacious cycle begets only more of the same. Perhaps this will be of service to someone in some way someday?
My accountability to you is lighting the candle and being the flame. I am alive in the moment. I am the placeholder for wonder.
Now… what’s for breakfast?
Tag You’re It!
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