Being awake has it’s own kind of feeling. It is still and at the same time alive with great power and energy, kind of like an alligator. There is a heightened awareness, your senses are acute but less necessary as you see more clearly past the obvious to the unseen nature of things. In this state, I have found knowing often transcends understanding. Learning to trust and respect your alligator is the challenge. It’s power is immense.
The alligator lives comfortably in two realms – water and land. Being conscious requires us to be comfortable in this way too. The external world is a buzz with all manner of things and we must remain internally centered, still and aware while navigating it.
The Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) is represented by the crocodile. This chakra is the power-center of creation. The crocodile, like the alligator, encourages us to delve deep within ourselves and resurface with dynamic creative power. Living in an awake state challenges our sleeping selves to do the same… with great ease.
And don’t even get me started about Sobek. You know… the Egyptian Crocodile God? Sobek was one among several gods responsible for weighing the souls of the dead suggesting these animals carry with them elements of discernment, judgment, authority and guidance. Qualities I hope will surface within my life as I live more Consciously.
With all her deep symbolism of unchanging primordial power and wisdom I think I would not mind having the alligator as my constant companion. Just knowing this large stealthy creature is around me is enough to keep my eyes wide open and aware at all times as we head out towards whatever lies ahead.
What animal totem would you choose as a companion?
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