“Normally, the test of greatness in the arts is the ability to state deep feelings and perceptions simply, clearly, and well. Indeed, it may well be said that until a person can express a thought clearly and simply, he hasn’t yet fully understood it himself.” ~ Swami Kriyananda, from the book ‘Art as a Hidden […]
“THE EDGE, there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over.”~hunter s. thompson ‘Soft Verges’ is a sign I saw posted whilst driving in the English countryside last year. Verges are the edges of the road. They are also, “She […]
Love Beyond Measure
“For I have learned that every heart will get What it prays for Most ” – hafiz How much Love can you take? Let’s talk volume here. Is it enough? Is it too much? Can you take just a little more? And just a little more again? Why is there a set amount that is allowed? […]
Turning the Corner
“…while the voice of social conditioning manifests itself as a stream of thoughts in the head, wisdom often appears as emotions or physical sensations in the body.” ~martha beck Unfoldment Rough hune husks fall away Making tender tendrils shown Creeping vines and shoots gather In a storm of awakening I am anew I am crossing […]
A few synonyms for permission are: authorization, consent, leave, authority, sanction, license, dispensation, assent, acquiescence, agreement, seal/stamp of approval, blessing, clearance, allowance & empowerment. Who gives us permission? I have come to realize I have the power to give myself permission. Permission to love. Permission to heal. Permission to feel ALL the feelings that arise, not just […]